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11 Fantastic Benefits of Playing Video Games

11 Fantastic Benefits of Playing Video Games

Video games are for kids, right? Definitely not. More than 150 million Americans play video games on a regular basis, and the average gamer is 35 years old.

Why play video games? There are lots of reasons, no matter what your age!

Listed below are 11 of the greatest benefits of playing video games.

1. Increased Dexterity

Playing video games can help you to improve the health of all the little bones, muscles, and joints in your hands. When you play on a regular basis, you can increase your dexterity and hand-eye coordination.

Some research even shows that playing video games can help surgeons to become better at their jobs!

One study followed a group of surgeons and compared those who played video games to those who didn’t. The gamers were able to perform advanced procedures faster. They also made fewer mistakes (37 percent fewer, in fact) than the non-gamers.

Video games can be helpful for stroke victims as well. There are games designed specifically for these folks that can help them to improve their ability to use and control their hands and wrists.

2. Increased Gray Matter

Another one of the best video game benefits is the fact that gaming can increase gray matter in the brain. Increases in the brain’s gray matter have been linked to improvements in a variety of areas, including the following:

In a lot of ways, gaming is like a workout for your brain. It’s so much fun, though, you won’t even realize that you’re doing something good for yourself!

If you want to improve your cognitive abilities, consider picking up a controller every once in a while.

3. Improved Social Skills

Most people assume that gaming has a negative effect on one’s social skills. When they think of playing video games, they think of someone hanging out in a basement and never interacting with another human being. That doesn’t have to be the case, though.

Depending on the type of games you play, video games can actually improve your social skills.

Many games are collaborative, especially online games. Research shows that kids who play these types of games are better at getting along with their peers and working together than those who don’t play games at all.

4. Improved Problem-Solving Skills

Gaming can help you to become a better problem-solver. Many games, including puzzle games, require a lot of strategizing and planning to get to higher levels.

When you play games on a regular basis, you’ll likely find that this problem-solving carries over into other areas of your life. You may find that you look at things in a different way and have an easier time coming up with new solutions to challenges.

In the case of kids who play video games regularly, this improvement in problem-solving skills may also lead to better grades in school.

5. Improved Vision

It’s a common misconception that playing video games is automatically bad for the eyes. This might be true if you’re spending hours at a time staring at a screen that’s just a couple of inches away from your face.

Compared to non-gamers, though, gamers may actually have better vision. The results of one study showed that gamers had better spatial resolution skills. This allowed them to see objects in a cluttered space more clearly. They were able to pick up on small details with more ease, too.

6. Reduced Stress

For adults and kids alike, video games can be a great stress-reliever. They can improve mood and provide an escape from the challenges of daily life.

Gaming sometimes gets a bad rap, and folks might assume that it’s bad for mental health.

This might be the case if someone is spending hours every single day playing video games and neglecting other self-care practices, gaming can have a negative effect on their mental health. In moderation, though, as with most things, there’s nothing wrong with a little gaming to reduce stress and boost one’s mood.

7. Increased Persistence

Playing video games can encourage people (of all ages) to be more persistent, too. Gaming requires strategizing and a lot of patience, so it makes sense that it would help you to increase your grit and ability to persist when things get tough.

This skill is great for adults to learn, of course, but it’s especially important for kids. The more opportunities kids have to learn not to give up when challenges arise, the better off they’ll be as they get older and enter the real world.

8. Improved Leadership Skills

Playing video games can help adults and kids to become better leaders, too. When they play collaborative online games, folks have to learn to work together with their peers. They also have to learn how to step up and direct other players when necessary.

These opportunities to collaborate and provide effective direction can help gamers to be better leaders in their real life. Whether it’s at work or in a group project at school, good leadership is always needed.

9. Reduced Pain

Research shows that playing video games can help to reduce a person’s pain perception. There are a few reasons for this.

First, video games provide a nice distraction from one’s pain. When you have a chance to focus on something else for a while, you can find some relief from your pain and enjoy a break.

Gaming also produces a pain-reducing response in the higher cortical systems of the brain. This is especially true of immersive games. Some hospitals are already offering virtual reality systems to help patients with their pain management and recovery programs.

10. Reduced Cravings

Video games can provide a distraction to those who are struggling with cravings as well as pain. This includes cravings for drugs, alcohol, or food.

If you’re dieting or trying to avoid using certain substances, video games can give you something else to focus on. After playing a game for a little while, you’ll likely find that you’re less tempted and have an easier time resisting your vice of choice. This is especially true if your video game is challenging and requires a great deal of focus.

11. Reduced Bullying Motivation

For kids, playing video games can actually reduce their motivation to bully others. This is particularly true for games that give kids a chance to play as both the hero and the villain.

When they take on both of these roles, kids may feel a greater sense of remorse for their actions both in the game and in real life. This, in turn, can decrease their bullying motivation and help them to be more empathetic.

Video games may also reduce bullying behaviors because of their calming, stress-reducing effects. Kids who play them in moderation may

How to Become a Gamer

Now that you know more about the benefits of video games, are you ready to become a gamer? Here are some bonus tips that will help you get started:

Choose a Game-Playing Platform

There are lots of platforms you can use to play video games. You can use smartphones, tablets, personal computers, new gaming laptops, or a gaming console like an Xbox or PlayStation.

If you’re working with a limited budget, start with your smartphone or tablet. If you want to go all-in, consider a gaming laptop or console.

Choose a Type of Game That Interests You

It doesn’t matter what kinds of activities you’re into. From first-person shooter games to puzzle games, there are tons of options. If you’re not sure what to choose, reach out to a friend or family member who’s into gaming and ask what they recommend.

Find Friends to Play With

Speaking of reaching out to friends or family members, you can also connect with them and play together online. If you don’t like the idea of playing alone, this can be a good option. It gives you a chance to learn the ropes from a friendly face, too.

Practice, Practice, Practice

At first, learning how to play video games can be frustrating. It’s a brand new skill, after all. If you play a little each day, though, you’ll soon get the hang of things and start to make progress.

Experience the Benefits of Playing Video Games Today

If you’re ready to enjoy all of the benefits of playing video games, give the tips listed above a try today. They’ll help you get the most out of your gaming experience.

Are you looking for more gaming-related resources? Check out the gaming section of our site today. Whether you want to learn about different types of video games or the best gaming computers, we’ve got tons of great articles for you to read.

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