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The Afikim Afiscooter S 3-Wheel Scooter

The Afikim Afiscooter S 3-Wheel Scooter

The AFIKIM Afiscooter S 3 wheel scooter will give you many years of pleasure if you are looking for a strong outdoor scooter that can handle rough terrain and make your outdoor experience enjoyable.

This popular scooter combines the ease of use and handling of a three-wheeled scooter with the versatility of a lightweight scooter. Its comfortable seat makes it great for long journeys

AFIKIM Afiscooter S 3-wheel scooter is the ultimate in urban mobility and outdoor exploration. From beautiful country roads to rough terrains, this scooter can go almost anywhere. It is a joy to ride wherever you go, thanks to the modern rear drive and 5-inch ground clearance.

The Afiscooter S3 electric scooter has a powerful 1400-watt motor that provides power all-day. With a capacity of 450 pounds, the three-wheeled scooter can reach speeds of up to 9.3 miles per hour.

You can drive far without needing to recharge, as this amazing mobile device has about 28 miles per charge. For more on outdoor all terrain mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

AFIKIM Afiscooter S 3-wheel scooter offers many unique features that make it easier and safer to use. The front and rear LED lights are bright enough so you can be seen at any time of the day or night, and they automatically turn off when you’re not moving, saving battery life.

A large LCD screen is also included in the control panel so you can see your speed and battery level without compromising your safety.

It has a front storage compartment for essentials and a covered back storage compartment with a lock to keep your belongings safe. The frame of the AFIKIM Afiscooter S 3-wheel scooter can be adjusted and rotates forward and backward.

Afiscooter S3 is a top model, with many features designed to make your ride as comfortable and smooth as possible. You can easily get out of the scooter thanks to the folding armrests, the headrest and the swivel seat.

The optional cover of the AFIKIM scooter gives you the best outdoor comfort. The cover will protect you from rain and sun, which may appear suddenly.

AFIKIM continues to delight customers with its creative portfolio after winning the Red Dot Design Award for the entire Afiscooter range.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.

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